Tuawhenua Trust scholarship
The Tuawhenua Trust offers a scholarship to young people of the Tuawhenua pursuing tertiary study, training and development in areas of interest to the Trust. The scholarship is part of the strategy of the Tuawhenua Trust to see our young people gain skills and knowledge in areas that are critical to the future of the Tuawhenua. Thus preference will be given to candidates whose development can be clearly demonstrated to be integrated with the development strategies and programmes of the Trust for the Tuawhenua. The Scholarship will be awarded as opportunities emerge in our development programmes, or as candidates apply or are identified for training and development.
The scholarship is designed to not just be a monetary award. The scholarship may also involve support for successful candidates in gaining placement in relevant study courses, on-the-job training or work experience. It may also involve employment by the Trust in holidays or at the end of the training period.
In general, the monies associated with the award may be used for the payment of study course fees and/or other expenses associated with study courses or on-the-job training.
The Trust will consider the needs of each candidate according to the nature of the development being undertaken.
Currently, the areas of interest for the Tuawhenua Trust are: